petek, 28. november 2014

Tea Time...

Even though I prefer 30 degrees over 3, it is time to drink some tea and wait for warmer weather for almost 5 months...

Nekaj čaja, da bomo lažje počakali na toplejše čase...

Every light is a good light...

Samo Trebižan

Next post is scheduled for Monday 01.12.2014 at 14:00 CET

četrtek, 27. november 2014

50.000 ogledov

Ok so we reached 50.000 visits of my blog!
At this time I thank each and everyone of you for visits, comments, sharing on facebook and G+,  and for following my blog on blogger or bloglovin!

Dosegli smo 50.000 ogledov.
Zahvaljujem se vsem in vsakemu posebej za oglede, komentarje, objavljanje na FB in G+ in 
za spremljanje bloga na bloggerju in bloglovin!

I promise you more good photos as often as possible!

Lets go for the sky! 
You are welcome to help the blog to reach 100.000 visits!

Every light is a good light...

Samo Trebižan

Next post is scheduled for Thursday 27.11.2014 at 14:00 CET

sreda, 26. november 2014

Dance couple Miša and Nika

Photos taken at Kromberk castle this May. 

Every light is a good light...

Samo Trebižan

Next post is scheduled for Thursday 27.11.2014 at 14:00 CET

torek, 25. november 2014

Few shots from sundays shooting

Few shoots from Sundays photoshooting..

Thank you Tina!

Model: Petra Marasi
Hair: Jasna Fajt
MUA: Anja Kogoj
Szyling: Sara Savnik
Second photographer: Tina Velikonja

Photos taken by Tina Velikonja.

Every light is a good light...

Samo Trebižan

Next post is scheduled for Wednesday 26.11.2014 at 14:00 CET

sreda, 19. november 2014

You have to be in it to win it II.

More shots from same fitness shooting as in previous post, this time with girls Valerija Slapnik and Petra Jerman.

Še nekaj fotografij z istega shootinga kot v prejšnji objavi, Tokrat z Valerijo Slapnik in Petro Jerman. 

Every light is a good light...

Samo Trebižan

Next post is scheduled for tomorrow Thursday 20.11.2014 at 17:00 CET.

torek, 18. november 2014

You have to be in it to win it...

 Few shots that I took on fitness shooting with Twin challenge team in Ljubljana...
Thanks to Luka and Sašo Pašič.

Neakj posnetkov s shootinga z Twin challenge timom v Ljubljani
Hvala modeloma Luku in Sašu Pašič.

Every light is a good light...

Samo Trebižan

Next post is scheduled for tomorrow Wednesday 19.11.2014 at 17:00 CET

ponedeljek, 17. november 2014

Darkness of garage...

I took a challenge of dark garage and made few shots with Larisa strongly back lighted with car lights.... and of course with Nikon CLS in front....

Mičken izziv temne garaže, ko sem Lariso močno osvetlil od zadaj z avtovimi lučmi in odspredaj  z Nikon CLS...

Every light is a good light...

Samo Trebižan

Next post is scheduled for tomorrow,  Tuesday  18.11.2014 at 16:30 CET.

petek, 14. november 2014


This year we made a shooting with Martina just 2 days before her last competition of the year when she was in top shape of the year...

Letos nam je uspelo narediti shooting z martino dva dni pred tekmo Maxximum open, ko je bila v najboljši formi. 

Every light is a good light...

Samo Trebižan

Another post with Martina

Another post in fitness

četrtek, 13. november 2014

četrtek, 6. november 2014

Beauty portrait...

One shot we made on a shooting with Urška... more to come soon...

Ena fotografija z zadnjega shootinga z Urško Štokelj

Every light is a good light...

Samo Trebižan

sreda, 5. november 2014

Cocktail II.

Spet smo morali na shootingu malo trpet...

Špela Sojer,
Urška Štokelj,

Asistentka in druga fotografinja: Tina Velikonja

Koktejli - B52 Ajdovščina - vredno poskusit!

Every light is a good light...

Samo Trebižan

torek, 4. november 2014

Daša in Kristjan


Ena simpatična poroka v Piranu, čudovita energija in vzdušje, 
teamsko delo ter veliko časa za fotografiranje.
Super poročna zgodba, izjemno pozitiven odziv strank je želja vsakega fotografa in je odličen dokaz, 
da lahko dva fotografa sodelujeta in skupaj izvajata projekte.
Hvala simpatičnemu paru, da sta dovolila objavo fotografij in da smo ustvarili tako dobro energijo,
 ki se definitivno odraža tudi na fotografijah. 
Srečno še naprej!!!

Tina & Samo