Koliko pozornosti resni fotografi in snemalci posvečajo zagotavljanju varnosti podatkov...
How much stress does serious photographers put on enshiring safety of data...
Do prihodnje objave... narediti varnostno kopijo vseh podatkov...
Till next post... make backup of all your data...
Lep pozdrav!
Greetings from Slovenia!
Samo Trebižan
petek, 30. julij 2010
četrtek, 29. julij 2010
Ne se špilat... / Dont play with me...
sreda, 28. julij 2010
Še eno zgodnje jutro... / Another early morning...
Ko je zjutraj ura zvonila, sem že mislil, da je konec sveta... počasi sem se spravil iz postelje in ob pol štirih že peljal proti barju, kjer sem še preden me je megla čisto ovila in se ni videlo nič več uspel narediti en sončni vzhod...
I got up at 3:30 am and went to Barje, where i managed to get a sunrise shot just before fog covered everything...
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Greetings from Slovenia!
Samo Trebižan
I got up at 3:30 am and went to Barje, where i managed to get a sunrise shot just before fog covered everything...
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Greetings from Slovenia!
Samo Trebižan
ponedeljek, 26. julij 2010
Na robu divjine... / At the edge of wilderness...
Fotografije gozda v Smrekovi Dragi, kjer stalna temperaturna inverzija oblikuje posebne vzorce rastlinstva.
Photo of a forest in Smrekova Draga, where permanent temperature inversion makes special samples of vegetation...Stara hiša krita s slamo in preraščena z mahom...
A rare old house covered with straw... already covered with moss.
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Greetings from Slovenia!
Samo Trebižan
Photo of a forest in Smrekova Draga, where permanent temperature inversion makes special samples of vegetation...Stara hiša krita s slamo in preraščena z mahom...
A rare old house covered with straw... already covered with moss.
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Greetings from Slovenia!
Samo Trebižan
nedelja, 25. julij 2010
Pasje vročine je konec... za zdaj.... / The days of extream heat are over... for now...
nedelja, 18. julij 2010
Pomežik matere narave... / Wink of a mother nature
V jutro me je prebudila burja, ki je razbijala z odprtimi okni in vrati in ker se mi ni dalo več spati sem se odpravil poiskat kakšen motiv narave v vetru. Po dobrih desetih minutah, ki sem jih preždel v naravi me je dež dobro opral. Do poznega popoldneva sem preživel pred računalnikom, potem pa ponovil vajo. Proti koncu sprehoda pa mi je kombinacija oblaka in sonca ponudila priložnost za še en lep posnetek.
Havy wind woke me up in earkly morning and I couldn't sleep any more. I went on a short walk through countryside. After few minutes rain caught me and washed me preeti well:))
Than I was at home untill late afternoon when I went searching for motives of windy nature. At the end of a walk the combination of clouds and Sun offered me oportuniti to take another nice shot!Do prihodnje objave...
Till next post....
Lep pozdrav!
Greetings from Slovenia!
Samo Trebižan
Havy wind woke me up in earkly morning and I couldn't sleep any more. I went on a short walk through countryside. After few minutes rain caught me and washed me preeti well:))
Than I was at home untill late afternoon when I went searching for motives of windy nature. At the end of a walk the combination of clouds and Sun offered me oportuniti to take another nice shot!Do prihodnje objave...
Till next post....
Lep pozdrav!
Greetings from Slovenia!
Samo Trebižan
Imela je rdeč šal... / She had a red scarf...
petek, 16. julij 2010
Nekaj obdelav.... / Few adjustments...
četrtek, 15. julij 2010
Toliko o opremi... / That much about equipment...
Da uničimo še en izgovor za podpiranje lenobe sem v tem prevročem dnevu naletel na video, ki mi je dal pošteno misliti...
To destroy another excuse for supporting laziness, I have researched on this too hot afternoon and found this video...
Razen tega da je imel optimalno osvetljavo se je film kar na mestu... torej dovolj izgovorov in na delo...
Except that he has got optimal light setings, I agree with him, so enough excuses and ahead to work...
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Lep pozdrav!
Greetings from Slovenia!
Samo T.
To destroy another excuse for supporting laziness, I have researched on this too hot afternoon and found this video...
Razen tega da je imel optimalno osvetljavo se je film kar na mestu... torej dovolj izgovorov in na delo...
Except that he has got optimal light setings, I agree with him, so enough excuses and ahead to work...
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Lep pozdrav!
Greetings from Slovenia!
Samo T.
sreda, 14. julij 2010
Nova Gorica
Po žetvi... / After harvest...
četrtek, 8. julij 2010
Sprehod po parku... / Walk through park
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